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Undergrad students

Oregon State Uni. URISC: The Undergraduate Research, Innovation, Scholarship and Creativity (URISC) Program pays research stipends to undergrads. The application process involves writing a two page proposal about your senior thesis project.

Nanofabrication Research Experience: All expenses paid to work for a summer at a facility such as the Cornell Nanofabrication Facility (CNF). This is extremely valuable experience for the work we do at OSU.

National Science Foundation REU program: National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergrads (NSF REU), all expenses paid summer of research at the research lab of your choice

The OSU College of Science Student Travel Fund: 15-20 travel awards every year of about $1000-1500 for Undergraduate students, graduate students not on funded projects, and postdocs. Contact Associate Dean Trempy.

Grad students

NSF graduate fellowship: 3 years of competitive salary for the pursuit of a PhD in physics (no more teaching obligations!). Deadline is in November.

National Defense Graduate Fellowships The Department of Defense (DoD) awards approximately 200 3-year graduate fellowships every April. The requirements are very similar to the NSF graduate fellowship.

Science Math and Research for Transformation (SMART) Another Department of Defense fellowship to encourage the STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics).

NSF East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes: Funding for grad students to study abroad with researcher in New Zealand, Australia, China, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Singapore, or Taiwan for a summer.

Scholarships administered by OSU grad school, There are more than 10 scholarships available each year. For example, Yerex and Bailey pays $10,000. Oregon sports lottery scholarship gives $5000.

OSU CoS Student Travel Fund: 15-20 travel awards every year of about $1000-1500 for Undergraduate students, graduate students not on funded projects, and postdocs. Contact Associate Dean Trempy.


Burroughs Wellcome Fund, Career Awards at the Scientific Interface: For physicist interested in bio-related questions - covers postdoc salary and extended support for the first 3 years of a faculty position.

National Academies postdoc fellowships, if you want to continue with research after your PhD, these fellowships will get you into a national research lab (good salary, good connections).


Faculty Development Award: $2,200 for professional development activities that have a clear connection to the enhancement of teaching and student learning at OSU.

funding.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/09 20:54 by ethanminot