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OSU licensed

OSU has site licenses for some useful applications

  • Matlab (an alternative to Matlab is Python running NumPy and SciPy, see open source software below)
  • Mathematica
  • Labview
  • Autocad
  • Endnote (note that Zotero is free and has some similar features, ask Landon)
  • Microsoft Office (includes a home use agreement that allows faculty and grads to get a $10 package for a home computer)

A full list is available at

Open Source Software

Python 2.X has been used to create an open source version of MatLab. The key to getting Python to act like MatLab is to

  1. Download and Install Python 2.X
  2. Download and Install the appropriate version of NumPy (it will automatically detect Python)
  3. Download and Install the appropriate version of SciPy (it will automatically detect Python)

Use of Python 3.X is also becoming more widespread. NumPy and SciPy packages are also available for Python 3.X.

Quantum Espresso is a popular Materials Simulation platform. One easy way to try it out on Windows is to download this virtual machine and run it using Virtual Box. Further directions on using quantum espresso can be found on their website. Numerous tutorials are available there.


Lab software

In the lab we also use

  • Origin
  • Excel (useful for tracking processing of wafers and devices, keeping budgets etc.)

Physics Department Software

OSU Virtual Lab Software

With you ONID account you can run programs over the internet, for example

  • Mathematica
  • Photoshop

Instructions for getting the client program called “umbrella”.

Off-campus journal access

Method 1: Simple web browsing Web of Science - Search for an article

Method 2: VPN. If you install and run the VPN, your computer will act like it is on campus and you can access papers and OSU resources like normal. I have always used the “alternative method/legacy” version where you download an actual program.

Method 3: If you copy paste '' after the .com part of a journal website, it will be accessed through Oregon State proxy servers. I have created a 'bookmark' javascript that will (attempt) to do this automatically. Create a web bookmark and copy the following where the web address goes. Then click it when on a journal article you want to access. Very convenient, when it works. I actually ended up using this most of the time. It only works for .com and .org articles at the moment, but if you look at the code it shouldn't be too hard to extend to other extensions.

javascript:(function stream() {var s = window.location.href ;var loc = (“.com”) + 4); if(loc== 3) {loc = (“.org”) + 4);} var beg = s.slice(0,loc);var end = s.slice(loc); window.location.href = (beg + '' +end); })();

software.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/13 09:39 by ethanminot