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Lab notebooks of famous scientists

Image from Nature Nanotechnology 5, 239 - 241 (2010)

Don Eigler's lab book for 14 February 1990 — the day on which he first succeeded in using an STM to pick up atoms from a metal surface and then place them back on the surface with atomic precision, as opposed to using an STM to slide the atoms across the surface (Fig. 1 and ref. 1). LT021490.001 refers to the second image taken with the low-temperature (LT) STM in Eigler's lab on that date (the first image was LT021490.000). SAB is short-hand for “same as before”. Image courtesy of Don Eigler.

don_eigler_s_lab_notebook.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/09 20:41 by ethanminot