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Exit Protocol

Grad students

When a student graduates, it's important to tie up loose ends before leaving the lab.

  • Archive your lab notebooks on the shelf in room 306.
  • Archive any nanoelectronic devices that might still be useful (talk to Ethan about how to organize this).
  • Clean up computer files (talk to Ethan about this).
  • Do you have hardware or software knowledge that the group should document?

Please schedule an “exit walk-thru“ with Ethan. We’ll walk through the lab together and identify loose-ends, things that could be re-organized and tidied up etc. Clean out drawers where you stored things… help remind me about the drawers where recent undergrads were storing things.

exit_protocol.1618256303.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/12 12:38 by ethanminot