Table of Contents

Visualizing Molecules with VMD

VMD is a powerful tool for visualizing and analyzing complex molecules like proteins. Below are walkthroughs of some features. See also this convenient manual.

VMD basics

Visualizing electrostatics

Calculating the charge on a structure

Measuring the potential at an atom

Note: There's probably a convenient command that would simplify this but I don't know it (yet).

Aligning a section of two molecules

Other movements of molecules

Loading/saving coordinates and volume maps into a molecule

The x,y,z coordinates & orientation of a molecule may be saved:

Volume maps created by APBS can be saved so the calculation doesn't need to be redone every time you need it

To load saved coordinates & orientation or a volume map (an old APBS calculation say) into a molecule:

Creating a potential difference volume map

Creating aesthetically pleasing PR images